Vlast Jalusic (1959 - )

I. Educational Record

Ph.D. in political theory, Grund und Integrativwissenschaftliche Fakultät, University of Vienna, Austria, 1996.

MA in cultural studies, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1991.

BA, with highest distinction, Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social, Political and Communicative Sciences, University of Ljubljana, 1982.


II. Academic Positions

Associate Professor of Political Science and Gender Studies, University of Ljubljana, from 2004 onward.

Scientific Councilor (academic research title at the level of Associate Professor), Peace Institute, 2001 until the present.

Assistant Professor of Political Theory, University of Ljubljana, 1999-2004.

Senior Research Fellow, Peace Institute, Ljubljana, beginning of 1996 until 2001.

Director of the Peace Institute, Ljubljana, beginning of 1995 until 2004.

Visiting Professor at the European University Center for Peace Studies, Austria, 1998 until the present

Visiting Professor, Department of Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest, 1999 until 2004.

Lecturer, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology, 1997-1998, 1999-2002.

Junior Research Fellow, Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Communicology, University of Ljubljana, 1982-84.

III. Fellowships and Awards

2004 (November-December) Senior Visiting Fellow, Institute of Human Sciences, Vienna

2004 (January-March) Senior Visiting Fellow, Department of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest

1998 - Institute of Human Sciences, Vienna (Senior Research Fellow).

1997-1999 - RSS -Research Support Scheme individual project support.

1992-1995 (3X9 moths) - Bertha von Suttner Fellowship (Ph.D. Research Fellow, University of Vienna, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Grund und Integrativwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Program for East and South-East European Countries, Austrian Ministry for Science and Education).

1985-1986 - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Graduate Research Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin, Osteuropa Institut, Fall Semeser.

1982 University of Ljubljana Award for the B.A. graduation paper.

IV. Teaching Experience

2005: University of Gorizia
Course: Introduction to Peace Studies

1999-2004: Central European University, Budapest
Civil Society, Politics and Gender in East and Central Europe
Gender and Politics in East and Central Europe.

1998-2004: European University Center for Peace Studies, Austria
Civil Society and Emancipation. Governance, Human Rights and Participation. War, Nationalism and Gender - the Case of Former Yugoslavia.

2003: Peace Institute, Ljubljana
2003: Reading circle: Hannah Arendt
2004: Reading Hannah Arendt: Summer School
2005: Hannah Arendt and the problems of contemporary world: graduate seminar.

1998-present:  Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana
Course: Political Anthropology

1997-1998, 2002-present: Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Courses and consultations: Violence in Selected Political Theories of 20th Century, Political Philosophy of the 20th Century.

1982-84: Teaching assistant, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Communicology, University of Ljubljana, 1982-84
Courses: International Economic Relations, International Relations

1998-present: Supervision and mentoring experience in both undergraduate and graduate level (MA and PhD students)


Corresponding Editor of Hannah Arendt Newsletter 2004-

Member of the Board of Directors: Centre for Democracy and Reconciliation, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2002 – 2007.

Member of the Strategic Council for Security Issues of the Prime Minister of Republic of Slovenia, 2001-2002.

Member of the Jury of Hannah Arendt Award for Political Thinking, Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Germany, 2000 – 2003.

Governing Board and a Founding Member, Peace Institute, Ljubljana, 1991 until the present.

Cosultant Editor, Delta, Journal for Feminist Theory, 1994-1999.

Member of Slovenian National Broadcast Advisory Board, 1991-1993.

Editorial board member, KRT Publishers, Ljubljana, 1986-1992.

Editor in Chief, Problemi/Eseji Journal, Ljubljana, 1987-1990.

Founder and member of the Women's Section at the Sociological Association, 1985-1987.

VI. Other Relevant Experience

Papergiver and invited lecturer at several international conferences including:

  • “Framing gender based violence after the break-up of Yugoslavia: Croatian and Slovenian case”, ECPR General Conference, Section: Women & politics Panel: Gender based violence, Pisa 6.-8. Sep. 2007, together with Jasminka Dedi?.

  • “Organized Innocence and Exclusion  (‘Nation-states’ in the Aftermath of War and Collective Crime”) , Hannah Arendt: Crises de l'Etat-nation. Pensées alternatives. Paris, Université X, 16-18 Novembre 2006. 

  • “Post-Totalitarian Elements and Eichmann’s Mentality in the Yugoslav Wars and Mass Killings”, Macht, Gewalt und alltaegliches Handeln, Symposium zum 100 Geburtstag von Hannah Arendt. Osnabrueck University, 20 October 2006.

  • “Thinking Politically About the Anti-political Outcomes – Some Arendtian Lessons”. Between Past and Future: The Meanings of Political Thinking Today. Ljubljana, Peace Institute, 1-3 June 2006.

  • “The Meaning of Gender/s: the Political Dimensions of Gender in Policy Practice”, co-atuthored with Majda Hrzenjak, IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka, July 2006.

  • “Post-Totalitarian Elements and Eichmann’s Mentality in the Yugoslav Wars and Mass Killings”, Law After Eichmann, Slovene Academy of Sciences, March 2006.

  • “Hannah Arendt: Political Thinking, Understanding and Resistance”, European Jewish Intellectual Women in the20th Century, Central European University, 16-18 March 2006.

  • Le Politiche di Genere. Approcci Teorici e Strategie Innovative. Universita della Calabria, December 2005. 

  • Framing Gender Inequality Across Europe: Challenges for Gender Mainstreaming, European Commission, Brussels, November 2005.

  • Racisms, Sexisms and the Politics of Belonging, International Sociological Association Conference, London, August 2004. 

  • Violent Dissolution of Yugoslavia. Causes, Dyanmics, Effects, Faculty of Political Science, Belgrade, March 2004.

  • Contemporary Citizenship: Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion I & II, Peace Institute Ljubljana, November 2002, December 2003. 

  • 20 Years of »Feministische Studien«, Hannover, November 2002.

  • Legacy of Hanah Arendt: Beyond Totalitariansm and Terror. New School of Social Research, Hannah Arendt Zentrum, Belgrade Circle, Center for Women's Studies, Belgrade July 2002. 

  • 50 Years of the Origins of Totalitarianism, Humboldt University Berlin, December 2001.

  • Divided societies, Interuniversity Centre Dubrovnik, April 2000, 2001, 2002.

  • Gender in Transition in Eastern and Central Europe, Humboldt University Berlin. December 1999.

  • Losers of the "Wende" - winners of the EU:participation of women: chances and effects of the transformation process, Vienna, Austrian Political

  • Science Association, November 1998. IPSA World Congress Seoul, August 1997 (title of the paper: »Freedom versus Equality? The Attitudes Towards Gender Equality Politics in East and Central Europe«).

  • Processes of Transformation in the Eastern Europe, Austrian Political Science Association, Prague, November 1994 (also Co-Convenor).

  • The Politics of Antipolitics, Vienna Dialogue on Democracy, Vienne, July 1994.

Organizer of several international Conferences including:

  • Between Past and Future: The Meanings of Political Thinking Today (Ljubljana, Peace Institute, June 2006)

  • Contemporary citizenship: Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion (Ljubljana, Peace Institute, November 2002)

  • Equal Opportunity Politics in East and Central Europe (Ljubljana, Peace Institute, May 2000)

  • Political Extremism and Violence towards Foreigners and other Marginalized Groups (Ljubljana, Peace Institute, March 1996)

  • Director of the Summer School Equal Opportunity Politics in East and Central Europe, Peace Institute, September 2001). 

Columnist in the Mladina weekly – political weeky (2000 until 2006)

Advisor to the Governmental Office for Women's Politics of Republic of Slovenia from 1994 until 1999.

Lecturer and teacher at several seminars organized by the Peace Institute, regular lecturer at the Summer Academy of Austrian Institute of Peace and Conflict Research 1987-1991.

Governing Board Member of the SOS Hotline for Women and Children Victims of Violence in Ljubljana from 1995 until 2002.

Consultant Member of Parliamentary Commission for Women's Politics, Slovenian Parliament, 1991 - 1993.

Member of the Council for Protection of Human Rights, Ljubljana 1988-1990.

Activity in the Slovene Peace movement, 1985-1991.

Founder and activist of the first post-second world war feminist group in Slovenia, Lilit, 1985-1990, activist in the Yugoslav Feminist Network until the 1991.

Pro-Choice activist, speaker of the Independent women's organizations for the Abortion Right Paragraph at the Constitutional Committee of Slovenian Parliament in 1991.

Freelance journalist - columnist from 1983 until 1991. Regular contributor to Mladina weekly, Radio Student, Dnevnik, Vecer, Republika daily in Slovenia; contributor to Ost-West Gegeninformationen Graz, Alpen-Adria Alternative Klagenfurt, Friedenszeitung Zürich, Franfurter Rundschau.

Lecturer and papergiver at different international women's, feminist and peace movement conferences, organized by Frauenanstiftung Hamburg, East-West Women's Network, Bund für Soziale Verteidigung (Germany), Frauen für den Frieden (Switzerland), Austrian Institute for Peace and Conflict Research from 1988 until the present.

Translator of several political philosophy and political theory texts (including Arendt, Schmitt, Korsch, Marx, Held) from the German and English language from 1984 to the present.

VII. Research Specialization

My field is political theory and comparative studies in political transformation (with the focus on gender and women). Recently, I was working on the following topics:

  • Politics and Power in Times of Terror. 

  • Policy frames and implementation problems: the case of gender mainstreaming. 

  • Rethinking the notion of politics and citizenship in the transitional East- and South-East European States, especially in connection with Hannah Arendt's thinking. 

  • Gender and political transformation in the East- and South-east European states. 

  • Right wing extremism, hostility and violence towards foreigners and other marginalized groups. 

My major research interest in the more distant past lay in the field of feminism and politics (especially women in social and political movements), in revolutions, civil society movements and feminism (especially women in French Revolution - Olympe de Gouges, German Socialist Movement – Lily Braun, Clara Zetkin, and new feminist movements in the 20. century). I worked on the notion of violence and politics in the work of Hannah Arendt, on the relationship between the social and the political in her work and on her notion of citizenship. In the past years I edited a book of Carl Schmitt’s texts (Three essays, my translation and my foreword) and the first edition of Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition (Vita Activa, my translation and my introduction) in the Slovenian language, and in 2006 also Between Past and Future. Six Exercises in Political Thinking.

Past funded research projects:

  • Sociology of the Army (1991-1993)

  • Violence and Politics in the Work of Hannah Arendt (1992-1996)

  • Political Extremism and Violence Against Foreigners and Other Marginalized Groups (1995-1997)

  • Women’s and Feminist Movement in Slovenia and Yugoslavia 1980-1995 (1997-1999)

  • Connecting Citizenship and Gender: the Possibilities of Arendtian Perspective (1998)

  • Gender and Politics in East and Central Europe (1998-2000)

  • Racism and Xenophobia in Post-socialism (1999-2002)

  • Contemporary Citizenship: Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion (2002-2004)

  • Mageeq - Policy Frames and Implementation Problems: the Case of Gender Mainstreaming (2003-2006)

Current funded research projects:

  • Politics and Power in Times of Terror (Thinking with Hannah Arendt) – (2004-2007)

  • Quing—Quality in gender+ equality policies” (2006-2010), research director M. Verloo)

VIII. Language Skills

Native: Slovene
Fluent: English, German, Croatian and Serbian
Good working knowledge: French

IX. Publications - Books

Clovekove pravice žensk: uvodna pojasnila in dokumenti (Women's Human Rights: introduction and documents), editor. Ljubljana: Društvo Amnesty International Slovenije: Mirovni inštitut, 2004 (co-edited with Dean Zagorac).

The Erased: Organized Innocence and the Politics of Exclusion (2003), co-authored with Jasminka Dedi? and Jelka Zorn, Peace Institute, Ljubljana, 163 p.

Kako smo hodile v feministicno gimnazijo…(2002), (How we attended feminist gymasium…), * cf, Ljubljana, 293 p.

Women-Politics-Opportunities (2001), Peace Institute, Ljubljana – co-authored with Milica G.Antic, 69 p.

8. marec v zgodovini boja za ženske pravice (8. March and its Meaning for the History of Women’s Movement) Urad za žensko politiko, Ljubljana 1997.

Dokler se ne vmešajo ženske...Ženske, revolucije in ostalo (Until the Women Meddle... Women, Revolutions and the Rest) Ljubljana, 1992, 160 p.

Editor of Hannah Arendt, Med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo, Ljubljana, Krtina, 2006.

Editor of Hannah Arendt, Vita activa, Krtina, Ljubljana 1996, 339 p.

Editor of Carl Schmitt, Tri razprave (Three essays), Ljubljana 1994, 168p.

Editor of Rosalind Coward: Ženska želja (Female Desire), Ljubljana, 1989, 223 p.

X. Publications - Chapters, Essays, Pamphlets, Translations, Reviews (A Selection)

"(The) Erasure – mass human rights violation and denial of responsibility: The case of independent Slovenia," Human Rights Review, Vol ), Issue 1, March 2008, avaliable online at www.springerlink.com (co-authored with Jasminka Dedi?).

"Organized Innocence and Exclusion ("Nation-states" in the Aftermath of War and Collective Crime)," Social Research - Hannah Arendt's Centenary: Political and Philosophic Perspectives (Part II), Guest coedited by Jerome Kohn, Volume 74, Number 4 (Winter 2007), forthcoming.

"Organizirana nedolžnost in izkljucevanje (‘Nacionalne države’ po vojni in kolektivnih zlocinih),"casopis za kritiko znanosti, forthcoming.

"Innocence organisée et exclusion, les Etats-nations après la guerre et les crimes de masse," in Hannah Arendt, Crises De L'etat-Nation - Pensées Alternatives ed. by Anne Kupiec et al. Paris, Sens et Tonka, 2007.

"Post-Totalitarian Elements and Eichmann’s Mentality in the Yugoslav War and Mass Killings," in D. Stone and R. H. King (eds.), in Hannah Arendt and the Uses of History. Imperialism, Nation, Race, and Genocide. Berghahn Books, London 2007, 147-172. 

"Taming the Male Sovereign? Framing Gender Inequality in Politics in the European Union and the Member States," in Mieke Verloo (ed.), Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality. A Critical Frame Analysis of Gender Policies in Europe. CPS Books, Central European University Press. Budapest – New York, 2007, 79-108 (co-authored with Emanuela Lombardo, Maro Pentelidou Maloutas, and Birgit Sauer).

"Vaditi v politicnem mišljenju v post-totalitarnih casih" (Exercising political thinking in post-totalitarian time), interpretative essay, in Hannah Arendt, Med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Šest vaj v politicnem mišljenju (Between Past and Future. Six Exercises in Political Thinking). Ljubljana, Krtina, 2006, 233-274.

"Framing prostitution policies: a comparison of Slovenia and Austria." Epitheäor. koin. Ereun, (Greek Sociological Review), 2005, 117 B, 93-118 (co-authored with Majda Hrzenjak, Birgit Sauer and Karin Tertinegg).

"Kehrt die soziale Frage wiedere uber die Entwicklung von Ungleicheit und Ausgrenzung." Transit, Europeische Revue, 2005, 29, 177-188.

"Gender and Victimization of the Nation as Pre-and Post-War Identity Discourse," in: Seifert, Ruth (ed.), Gender, Identität und kriegerischer Konflikt. Das Beispiel des ehemaligen Jugoslawien. Lit. Verlag Münster, Münster, 2004, 26-39.

"Slowenien : die Marginalisierung der Bedeutung politischer Partizipation von Frauen in Slowenien." (co-authored with Milica G. Antic, in Beate Hoecker and Gesine Fuchs (eds.). Handbuch politische Partizipation von Frauen in Europa II. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2003.

"Novi biologizem ali nove vede o cloveški naravi/kulturi" (New biologism or the new sciences about the human nature/culture), in: Ciril Oberstar in Tonci Kuzmanic. Neokonzervativizem, Zbornik predavanj 2. letnika delavsko-punkerske univerze (Neoconservatism: The collected lectures of the 2st year of Worker's Punk's University). Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut, 2003, 222-254.

"Blickwinkel und Irritationen : zur aktuellen Bedeutung von Bürgerrechten in den ostmitteleuropäischen Staaten." Femiminstische Studien, Mai 2003, Jrg. 21, Nr. 1, 82-89.

"Die 1989 und danach: was ist der Sinn der Politik?," in Antonia Gruenenberg (ed.) Totalitaere Herrschaft und republikanische Demokratie. 50 Jahre The Origins of Totalitariansm, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag: 2003, 189-198. 

"Žametne revolucije in izginjanje politike v postsocializmu" (Velvet revoutions and dissapearance of politics in post-socialism), in: Ciril Oberstar in Tonci Kuzmanic. Revolucija, Zbornik predavanj 1. letnika delavsko-punkerske univerze (Revolution: The collected lectures of the 1st year of Worker's Punk's University). Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut, 2002, 71-88 .

"Zbrka u vezi sa pitanjem nasilja" (A Mess in the Question of Violence), in: Daša Duhacek, Obrad Savi? (eds.) Zatocenici zla: Zaveštanje Hane Arent (The prisoners of evil: The legacy of Hannah Arendt), Beograd: Beogradski krug & Ženske studije, 2002, 118-149.

"Between the Social and the Political : Feminism, Citizenship and the Possibilities of an Arendtian Perspective in Eastern Europe." Eur. j. women's stud., 2002, vol. 9, no. 2, 103-122.

"Xenophobia or Self-protection?: on the establishing of the new slovene civic/citizenship identity". in: PAJNIK, Mojca (ed.). Xenophobia and post-socialism, (Edition Politike, Sub-edition Politike Symposion). Ljubljana: Peace Institute, 2002, 45-72. 

"Ideologija in realnost civilnih družb" (Ideology and Reality of Civil Society) ( Slovenija in naslednice nekdanje Jugoslavije ter primer feministi?nih skupin). V: FINK-HAFNER, Danica (ur.), HA?EK, Miro (ur.). Demokrati?ni prehodi II : Slovenija v primerjavi z drugimi nekdanjimi jugoslovanskimi republikami, (Democratic Transitions II, Slovenia in comparison with other Yugoaslav Republics (Knjižna zbirka Politi?ni procesi in inštitucije). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2001, 173-196. 

"Totalitarianism: Redundancy of the People and Domination of the Social." Hannah Arendt Newsl., no. 5, november 2001, 26-29. 

"Ksenofobija ali samozašcita?: o vzpostavljanju slovenske državljanske identitete" (Xenophobia or selfprotection?: on the development of new citizen identity in Slovenia). Poroc. Skupin. spremlj. nestrp., Intolerance Monitor, 2001, No. 1, 12-43.

"Frauenbewegung und der Staat - Slowenien und Jugoslavien" (Women’s Movement(s) and the State - Slovenia and Yugoslavia), in: Feminismus und Demokratie. Europaeische freuenbewegungen der 1920er Jahre, ed. by Ute Gerhardt, Ulrike Helmer Verlag, Frankfurt a. M., 2001, 116-137.

"Freedom versus Equality? Some Thoughts About Attitudes Toward Gender Equality Politics in Eastern and Central Europe"(2001) in: Nagel, Stuart . S, Robb, Amy (ed.), Handbook of Global Social Policy. Marcl Dekker, New York, Basel, 297-315. 

"Frauen und Politik in den neuen Demokratien" (Women and politics in the new democracies, in: Transit. Europeische Revue 18 (Winter 1999/2000), 67-80.

"Socially Adapted - Politically Marginalized: Women in Post-socialist Slovenia," Sabrina P. Ramet (ed.), Gender Politics in the Western Balkans. Women and Society in Yugoslavia and Yugoslav Successor States, Pennsylvania State Press, 1999, 109-129.

"Women in Interwar Slovenia" in: Sabrina P. Ramet (ed.), Gender Politics in the Western Balkans. Women and Society in Yugoslavia and Yugoslav Successor States, Pennsylvania State Press, 1999, 51-66.

"Gender and political transformation in Central and Eastern Europe." in: Losers of the "Wende" - winners of the EU:participation of women: chances and effects of the transformation process : documentation of the Conference in Vienna, Austria, November 6th - 8th, 1998. Vienna: Austrian Political Science Association: Politik und Forum für feministische Diskussionen Geschlecht, 1998, 13-24.

"Die Geschlechterfrage und die Transformation in Ostmitteleuropa: Kann die Geschlechterparadigme zur ‘Transformation des Politischen’ beitragen?," a special issue of the German Political Association Review (PVS Band, Fall 1997), ed. by. Eva Kreisky and Birgit Sauer, 450-474.

"Zmešnjava v vprašanju nasilja. Oblast in nasilje pri Hannah Arendt," (A Mess in the Question of Violence. Violence and Power in the Work of Hannah Arendt), in: Casopis za kritiko znanosti, XXIII (1996), 179, 27-53.

"Schwierigkeiten mit der Demokratie," in: Vom patriarchalen Staatssozialismus zur patriarchalen Demokratie, ed. Eva Kreisky, Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, Vienna 1996, 23-51.

"Hannah Arendt: Politika kot možnost" (Hannah Arendt: Politics as a Possibility), foreword to: Hannah Arendt, Vita activa, Krtina, Ljubljana 1996, VII-LII.

Politika kot kurba (Politics as a Whore). in: Štrajn, Darko (ed.). Meje demokracije: [refleksije prehoda v demokracijo]. Ljubljana: Liberalna akademija, 1995, 207-229.

"Vojaki in njihova armada" (Soldiers and Their Army), in Borec, Journal for the History, Literature and Antropology, 524-543 (1995),649-675.

"Carl Schmitt kot mejni teoretik politicnega" (Carl Schmitt as Borderline Theoretician of the Political), introduction in ed. Vlasta Jalušic, Carl Schmitt, Tri razprave (Three essays), Ljubljana 1994, VII-XXIV.

"Nekrolog mirovnemu gibanju" (Obituary to the Peace Movement), in casopis za kritiko znanosti, XXII (1994), 170-171, 81-96.

"Friedensbewegung ist tot...," in Frankfurter Rundschau, 29. 12. 1994.

"Troubles with Democracy," in Independent Slovenia. Origins, Movements, Prospects, eds. Jill Benderly, Evan Kraft, St. Martin’s Press, New York 1994, 135-157.

"Die Funktionalisierung von Vergewaltigung in Vorkriegs-Jugoslawien," in Frauen zwischen Grenzen, Rassismus und Nationalismus in der feministischen Diskussion, eds. Olga Uremovic, Gundula Oerter, Campus, Frankfurt/New York 1994, 118-128.

"Nove demokracije in ženske študije" (New Democracies and Women's Studies), in Od ženskih študij k feministicni teoriji (From Women's Studies towards Feminist Theory), ed. Eva Bahovec, Ljubljana 1993, 107-124.

"Zurück in den 'Naturzustand'? Desintegration Jugoslawiens und ihre Folgen für die Frauen."in Feministische Studien 2 (1992), 9-21.

"Krieg anstatt Demilitarisierung," in Warum Krieg? Die Zukunft des Krieges - Friedenspolitische Alternativen, ed. Arno Truger, Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktforschung, VWGÖ Verlag, Vienna 1992, 150-162.

"Kriegsziel Demokratie," in Krieg in Europa. Analysen aus Ex-Jugoslawien, eds. Gaisbacher & Co., Sandkorn, Frankfurt/Main, Dipa Verlag, Linz, 1992. 84-98.

"Krieg statt Demilitarisierung," in Gewaltfrei in Krisen Intervenieren. Eine Dokumentation. Minden, Bund für soziale Verteidigung, 1992, 4-8.

"Letter from Yugoslavia," in The European Women's Almanac, ed. Snyder, Paula, Scarlet Press, London 1992. 387 -389.

"Zivile Gesellschaft, neue soziale Bewegungen und Politik. Beispiel Slowenien," in Mitteleuropäische Perspektiven, eds. Arno Truger, Thomas Macho, Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, Vienna 1990, 107-116.

"Noch ein langer Weg: Frauenforschung und postsozialistische Umstände," in Frauenfragen/Questions au féminin/problemi al femminile, Bern, 3 (1990 ), 37-43.

"Ali so ženske individui?" (Are Women Considered as Individuals?), in Ženska-politika-družina, Casopis za kritiko znanosti 136/137 (1991), 61-66.

"John Keane/Despotizem in demokracija" (Despotism and Democracy), review in Družboslovne razprave, vol. 8, 11 (1991), Ljubljana, 157-203.

"Nova ustava R Slovenije" (The New Constitution of Republic of Slovenia, together with Tonci Kuzmanic), in Casopis za kritiko znanosti- 136/137 (1991), Ljubljana, 87-96.

"Reformen in Slowenien: wieder auf das Kosten von Frauen?," in Ost-West Gegeninformationen, Graz, 1-2 (1990), 20-23.

"Posilstvo po albansko" (Rape - the Albanian Way), together with Tonci Kuzmanic, in Kosovo, Srbija, Jugoslavija, Ljubljana 1989, 213-225

"Rape - the Albanian Way" (together with Tonci Kuzmanic), in Independent Voices from Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vol. 3 (1989), 34-40.

"Nemogoca ženska" (Impossible Woman), in Problemi 278, XXVI, 3 (1988), pp 47-51.

"Olympe de Gouges in deklaracija o pravicah ženske in državljanke" (Olympe de Gouges and The Declaration of Rights of Women and Women Citizen) in Problemi, 4 (1989), Eseji 7, XXVII, Ljubljana 27-34.

"Postrevolucionarni feminizam" (Postrevolutionary Feminism), in Kulturni radnik, 6 (1989), Zagreb, 119-142.

"Ženske v Francoski revoluciji" (Women in the French Revolution), in Problemi 6,7,8 (1989), Ljubljana, 25-42.

"Žensko vprašanje kot izvržek" (Woman Question as an Outcast), in Problemi 9 (1986), 50-65.

"V Politiki potrebujemo podporo žensk..." (In Politics we need the Support of Women...), in Problemi 7-8 (1987) Vol. 279-280, XXV, 31-49.

"Saint Just in zakonitost revolucionarnega prevrata" (Saint Just and the Legality of the Revolutionary Upheaval), in Filozofski vestnik/Acta Philosophica, (X) 1989, Ljubljana,

"Women's Work, Men's Property," in Casopis za kritiko znanosti 97-98 (1987), Ljubljana, 124-131.

"Susan Brownmiller/Proti naši volji. Moški, ženske in posilstvo" (Susan Brownmiller/Against our Will. Men, Women and Rape), in Družboslovne razprave, vol. 6, 8 (1989), Ljubljana, 201-203.

Editor of m/f/Problemi/Eseji, special number of Problemi, dedicated to the m/f journal, Problemi 3 (1988).

Hannah Arendt, Med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo (Between past and future), translation, Krtina, Ljbuljana 2006.

Hannah Arendt, Vita activa, translation, Krtina Ljubljana 1996, 339p.

Carl Schmitt, Tri razprave (Three Essays), translation, Krtina, Ljubljana 1994, 168p.


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    Autorica: Mirjana Mikić Zeitoun Uvod: (Obzirom da sam,  kako to već svi moji prijatelji i poznanici dobro znaju, jako vezana za svoju obitelj, a slijedom posla koji dugo radim, i volim, dosta...

    Opširnije: Građanski...

  • Na kakvim to mladima svijet ostaje?

    Autorica: Tanja Javorina (Hrvatska) Jedno od neodgovorenih pitanja, odnosno onih za buduće rasprave, koje se pojavilo na kraju 6. Postjugoslavenske mirovne akademije je pitanje nasljednika/ca borbe....

    Opširnije: Na kakvim to...