Tonci Ante Kuzmanic, born 1956, Vis, Croatia

I. Educational Record

BA, with highest distinction, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science and Journalism, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1982.

MA, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science and Journalism, University of Ljubljana, 1992.

Ph.D. Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, 1995.


II. Academic Positions

  • Researcher at the Center for Theory and Practice of Self-management, Ljubljana, 1983-1986 

  • Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Social Science, University of Ljubljana from 1989-1995.

  • Senior Research Fellow, Peace Institute, Ljubljana (Research projects: Political Extremism in Europe, 1993-1996; Theoretical Consequences of the War in Bosnia 1996-1999).

  • Lecturer: Reading Carl Schmitt's Concept of the Political, Faculty of Social Science, University of Ljubljana, school year 1995-1996;

  • 1997-1998, Theories of Violence in XX century, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana 1997/1998, Ethics and Culture, College of Management, Koper, 1996/1997, 1997/1998

III. Fellowships and Awards

  • Jean Monet Fellowship, European Community Program, Florence, Istituto Universitario Europeo, Fiesole, Firenze, Italia, 1992.

  • Ruskin Fellowship, Ruskin College, Oxford, Great Britain, 1994.

  • Borsa di studio di Facolta di Sociologia, Universita di Trento, Italy, 1996

IV. Membership in Professional Bodies

  • Governing Board and a Founding Member, Peace Institute, Ljubljana, 1991 until the present.

  • Member of Editorial Board, Journal for Critique of Science, Ljubljana, 1986 until 1992.

  • Professional editor of Journal for Critique of Science, Ljubljana, 1986 until 1989.

V. Other Relevant Experiences

  • Consultant Member of Parliamentary Commission for Peace Politics, Slovenian Parliament, 1991-1993.

  • Member of the Alternative Council for Protection of Human Rights, Ljubljana 1988-1990.

  • Member of the Slovene National Council for the Protection of Human Rights 1991-1994

  • Activity in the Slovene peace and civil society movement, 1985-1990.

  • Freelance journalist - columnist from 1983 until the present. Regular contributor to Mladina weekly, contributor to Ost-West 

  • Gegeninformationen Graz, War-Report and Red Pepper, London, Media Watch (OSI), Ljubljana

  • Lecturer at different international new-social movements, civil society and peace movement conferences, organized by Austrian Institute for Peace and Conflict Research, Schlaining, War Resisters International, London, ACLI, Milano, Firenze, Venezia, EUPRA and IPRA associations, POPEM, La Valetta

VI. Research and Publication

Research field is political theory, specially history of political ideas, comparative studies and conflicts. Major research interest in the past lay in the field of conflicts and politics - especially strikes, war(s) and new social and specially antipolitical, extremists movements.

VII. Language Skills

Native: Croatian
Fluent: English, Italian and Slovene

VIII. Some Publications


  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: (1988): Strikes - the Beginning of the End (of Self-Management), KRT, Ljubljana, 1988 

  • Kuzmanic & Truger (eds.) (1992): Yugoslavia, War... , Peace Institute Ljubljana and Schlaining - Slovenia and Austria... (in English language), Second edition 1993.

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci (1997): Creation of Antipolitics, The Elements of Genealogy of Social Sciences, ZPS, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci (1999): Hate Speech in Postsocialist Slovenia - Chauvinism, Racism and Sexism, Slovene-English edition by Open Society Institute, Slovenia (bilingual: slovene & english).

Some Articles:

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Yugoslavhood and Subnational Conflicts in Yugoslavia. // V: New Challenges for Europe After 1989. - The Consortium For the Study of European Transition. - Budapest - 1991; The Center for European Studies, Budapest.- pp. 49-60. ISBN 9630415275. 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Stalinism as the Problem of Methodology. // V: Kuzmanic & Truger, Yugoslavia, War. - Peace Institutes: Ljubljana and Schlaining. - 1992; pp. 45-52. - NUK - Ljubljana sign. - 30264064. 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Entmilitarisierung im ehemaligen Jugoslawien. // V: Gaisbacher et. all (Hrsg.). - Krieg in Europa - Analysen Aus Dem Ehemaligen Jugoslawien. - Edition Sandkorn - Frankfurt a.M., 1992; str.58-68. - ISBN 3-7638-0190-1 (dipa. Verlag), ter ISBN 3-901100-22-9 (de. sandkorn). 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Iugoslavia: Una guerra di religione?. // V: Religioni e Societa, Firenze, No 14 (1992); str. 107-122. 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: La disgregazione della Jugoslavia come disgregazione dello "jugoslavismo", v Europa, Europe, Cespeco, Fondazione Istituto Gramsci, Roma. 1992, CL 64-3013-9 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Understanding the War in Former Yugoslavia. // V: v Kuzmanic & Truger (ed.): Yugoslavia, War... , 2. izdaja, Peace Institutes Ljubljana and Schlaining, 1993; str. 181-198 - NUK Ljubljana št. - 30264064. 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Guerra e religione nella ex-Jugoslavia, v Mare di guerra, mare di religioni, a cura di Luciano Martini, Il Caso Mediterraneo, ECP, Firenze, 1994, ISBN 88-09-14014-1 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Strikes, Trade Unions, and Slovene Independence, v Independent Slovenia, ed. Benderly and Kraft, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1994. ISBN 0-312-09963-0 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Towards Aristoteles, casopis za kritiko znanosti, Ljubljana, št. 174, 1995, pp. 145-173 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Slovene political extremism, casopis za kritiko znanosti, Ljubljana (1997), pp. 46. 

  • Kuzmani?, Ton?i: Racist Antipolitical Discourse in Slovene Newspapers, ?asopis za kritiko znanosti, Ljubljana (1998), pp. 51. 

  • Kuzmanic, Tonci: Slovenia: From Yugoslavia to the Middle of Nowhere, in Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe, eds. Kaldor & Vejvoda, Pinter, London and New York, 1999, pp. 121 - 134.


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