Larisa Kasumagić- Kafedžić, PhD has been actively involved in peaceful upbringing, community youth development programs, philosophy of nonviolence and intercultural pedagogy for the past 25 years. During the war in Bosnia, she co-founded a local organization that provided psycho-social support for war traumatized children and their families and developed a series of programs for children, youth and teachers that were based on peace education and nonviolence principles. She holds a MA in international development and education from Cornell University, USA, and Ph.D. in English Language Pedagogy and Intercultural Education from Sarajevo University. She is an associate professor at the Teacher Education Program of the Department of English language and literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. Selected publications:
- Standard kvalifikacije za pedagoško-psihološko-didaktičko-metodičko obrazovanje nastavnika u Bosni i Hercegovini, Save the Children International, Sarajevo 2018 (grupa autora)
- Priručnik za univerzitetske profesore, Save the Children International Sarajevo, 2018 (saradnik na izradi Priručnika)
- Teaching Interculturalism at Sophia University in Tokyo: Japanese Students' Insights and Reflections on Effective Teaching methods, Critical Pedagogy and Intercultural Learning Principles, Sophia University Studies in Education, No. 51, March 2017
- Manual MemoryInMotion: Pedagogical Tool on Culture of Remembrance, a group of authors, forum ZFD, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 2016
- Exploring Challenges and Possibilities in Pre-service Teacher Education: Critical and Intercultural Pedagogy in Post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chapter III in Challenges Associated with Cross-Cultural and At-Risk Student Engagement, Richard K. Gordon (California State University, USA), Taichi Akutsu (Seisa University, Japan), J. Cynthia McDermott (Antioch University, USA) and Jose W. Lalas (Redlands University, USA), IGI Global, 2016
- Značaj ranog učenja stranog jezika u kontekstu poticajnog jezično-komunikacijskog okruženja (The relevance of early language learning in the context of stimulating linguistic and communicative environment, International Conference of Educators, October 2013, Faculty of Philosophy Sarajevo, Education Department, Proceedings, April 2016
- Preparing Teachers to Enhance Learning in a Multilingual, Multicultural and Migrant Context- The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chapter III on Policy Measures, in Teacher Education for Multilingual and Multicultural Settings, Elgrid Messner, Daniela Worek and Mojca Peček (Eds.), Leykam, 2016

Dr. sc. Zlatiborka Popov- Momčinović is an associate professor of political sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of East Sarajevo. Her PhD dissertation was Women's Movement in post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina: Achievements, Initiatives, and Controversies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. The focus of her research is on gender, development of civil society and women’s activism, religion and politics, professionalism of media and reconciliation processes. She is active in civil society, trying to reconcile scientific and activist engagement, and was engaged as an expert and key-note speakers by various NGOs in activities related to gender equality, religious tolerance and dialogue, rights and freedoms of marginal groups (autistic children, mothers of children with disabilities, LGBT population), media literacy, political culture and participation. Selected publications:
- Religious education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, In Z. Kuburić, & C. Moe (2006) (eds.): Religion and Pluralism in Education. Comparative Approaches in Western Balkan. Novi Sad: Kotor Network & CEIR, 73-106 (co-author Marrie Ann-Ofstadt)
- The Serbian Orthodox Church’s Images of Religious Others, In Christian Moe (2008) (ed.): Images of Religious Others. Novi Sad: CEIR and Kotor Network, 125-147
- Wilkes, G. et al (2013): Factors in Reconciliation: Religion, Local Conditions, People and Trust. Sarajevo: The University of Edinburgh/Project on Religion and Ethics in the Making of War and Peace, and the Center for Empirical Research on Religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Ženski pokret u Bosni i Hercegovini: Artikulacija jedne kontrakulture (2013). Sarajevo: Sarajevski otvoreni centar, Fondacija CURE, Centar za empirijska istraživanja religije u Bosni i Hercegovini
- Žene i procesi pomirenja u Bosni i Hercegovini. Izazov rodnim ulogama, usta(nov)ljenim narativima i performativnim praksama s osvrtom na religiju (2018). Sarajevo: Fondacija CURE, Centar za emprijska istraživanja religije u Bosni i Hercegovini
- Activisms on the Margins: Capacity Assessment in Ten Selected Women’s Organisations, (co-author Amila Ždralović) (2019). Sarajevo: CURE Foundation.
Zilka Spahić Šiljak holds a PhD in gender studies, MA in human rights and BA in religious studies. Her scope of work includes addressing cutting edge issues involving human rights, politics, religion, education and peace-building with more than fifteen years experience in academic teaching, and work in governmental and non-governmental sectors. From 2006-11 she run Religious Studies Program the University of Sarajevo and from 2011-2019 she was post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University and Stanford University in US. She teaches at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zenica and she is guest lecturer at the Roehampton University in London. She runs Transcultural Psychosocial Educational Foundation (TPO) in Sarajevo with focus on intercultural and interreligious education and peacebuilding. Her publications include over 20 academic papers in local and international journals and several books:
- Sociology of Gender: Feminist Critic, Sarajevo: TPO Fondacija, 2019.
- Bosnian Labyrinth: Culture, Gender and Leadership, Sarajevo: Buybook, 2019.
- Living Values: Global Ethos in Local Context of BiH, Sarajevo: TPO Fondacija, 2018.
- Shining Humanity. Life Stories of Women in BiH, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.
- Contesting Female, Feminist and Muslim Identities. Post-socialist contexts in Bosnia i Herzegovina and Kosovo, CIPS University of Sarajevo, 2012
- Women, Religion and Politics, IMIC, TPO, CIPS University of Sarajevo, 2010.
- Monotheistic Three Voices: Introduction to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Rabic d.o.o. Sarajevo, 2009.
- Women Believers and Citizens, TPO Fondacija Sarajevo, 2009.