Ugo Vlaisavljevic

alt Born in 1957, Ugo Vlaisavljevic is Full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sarajevo, teaching Philosophy of language at the Philosophy and Sociology Department and Epistemology of Social Sciences at the Psychology Department. He has written widely on phenomenology, hermeneutics, post/structuralism, semiotics, and is currently a member of the editorial boards of the journals Dijalog (Sarajevo) and Transeuropeennes (Paris). He is the author of the following books published in his country: Ontology and Its Legacy (1995), The Phenomenological Constitution of the European Community (A Re-Reading of the Vienna Lecture) (1996), Writing. A Sketch for the Hydrography of Nusret Pasic, (1997), The Origin of Geometry and the Transcendental Phenomenology of History (2003), Lepoglava and University. Essays in Political Epistemology (2003), Merleau-Ponty’s semiotics of perception. The phenomenological Way into Deconstruction and Ethno-Political Constitutions (2004). Ethnopolitics and Citizenship (2006), War – the Greatest Cultural Event. A Contribution to Semiotics of Ethnonationalism (2007), The Domestication of Nationalism (2007). During the last two decades, he has written numerous articles, some of which written and published in English, French and German language:


- “The Interrogation of Perceptive Faith”, Analecta Husserliana v. 27, Dordrecht-Boston-London 1989.

- “Husserl’s Legacy in Derrida’s Grammatological Opening”, Analecta Husserliana v. 36, Dordrecht-Boston-London 1991.

- “La constitution guerriere des petites nations des Balkans ou ‘Qui s’agit-il de reconcilier en Bosnie-Herzegovine?’”, Transeuropeennes, No 14/15, Paris, 1998/1999.

- “Die Politik des Wissens und des Nichwissens” published in: Wolfgang Benedek/Otto Koenig/Christian Promitzer (Hg.), Menschenrechte in Bosnien und Herzegowina: Wissenschaft und Praxis, Boehlau Verlag Wien-Koeln-Weimar, 1999.

- “Trois langues ou trois familles de noms propres d’une même langue? ”, Cahiers balkaniques, publication du Centre d'études balkaniques, INALCO, Paris Projet de numéro à thème linguistique : LES USAGES DU NOM PROPRE, 2002.

- “The South Slav Identity and the Ultimate War-Reality”, in Dusan Bjelic and Obrad Savic (eds.), The Balkans as Metaphor: Between Globalization and Fragmentation, MIT Press, 2002.

- “The End of Scientific Ideologies and the Re-socialisation of Universities”, in: P.Shipley and H. Mason (eds.), Ethics and Socratic Dialogue in Civil Society, Working papers in Ethics and the Critical Philosophy, Vol. 3, Lit Verlag, Berlin (2004).

- “The War-Constitution of Small Nations of the Balkans”, in: Dane R. Gordon and David C. Durst (eds.), Civil Society in Uncivil Times, Rodopi, Value Inquiry Book Series, 2004.

His academic honours and fellowships include:

Member of the Scientific Committee of the First World Congress of Phenomenology, Santiago de Compostela, September 25 – October 1, 1988.

Secretary General of the XXIVth International Phenomenology Conference at the Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik, May 14-17, 1990.

St John’s College, Oxford, December 1995.

Universite des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, December 1996.

Lane Fellowship, Clare College, Cambridge, April-May 1997.

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, January-April 1998.

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, September-October 2000.

Among his affiliations are:

Advisory Board, Centre for the Study of Balkan Society and Culture at the Department for Southeast European History, University of Gratz, Austria

Steering Committee of the Southeast European Academic League, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Scientific Committee of the Multidisciplinary Society for the Furtherance of the Mental and Social Health, Sarajevo

Steering Committee of the Association for European Studies in South Eastern Europe, Sofia, Bulgaria

HESP Summer School Selection Committee, CEU, Budapest, Hungary

Sarajevo Centre for Contemporary Arts (board member)

Nansen Dialogue Center, Sarajevo (bord member)

Civil Society Promotion Center, Sarajevo (bord member)

P.E.N. Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina (president)

Some online texts:

Yugoslav Communism and After: The Continuity of Ethnopolitics

The War Constitution of Small Nations of the Balkans, or “Who Is to be Reconciled in Bosnia and Herzegovina?”
Civil Society in Southeast Europe. GORDON, Dane R. and David C. DURST (Eds.) Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2004, XXIII, 177 pp.
The War Constitution of Small Nations of the Balkans

Etnicki identitet i rat

Politicka legitimacija i poredak bez izbora

Arhipelag Lepoglava - intervju


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