world learning_sq

From 18.-25.01.2015. a group of 10 activists, journalists, NGO workers and representatives of government institutions from Ukraine are visiting Sarajevo.

The group is participating in a USAID program in cooperation with World Learning "Do No Harm: Fostering Conflict-Sensitivity in Southern and Eastern Ukraine" which is implemented in BiH by the Peace Academy.

During their residence in Sarajevo, the participants will have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of civil society, media and other key actors related to peacebuilding and conflict transformation in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The goal of the program is developing conflict-sensitive programs which reduce violence and strengthen peacebuilding processes.

The guests from the Ukraine include representatives of NGOs working on protecting minority rights and vulnerable groups (HIV-positive individuals, handicapped), media as well as local government from Zaporozhe and Kharkov region.



Ubleha for idiots

  • Internacionalac

    Engl. An international. Commonly known as a foreigner but that’s not the way it is used in polite speech (See). S/he is a guest in the land of the locals (See) wishing to contribute to the development of democracy (See) and enhance human rights (See). Has read at a minimum one book or at least the more important chapters on the history of B&H or even the entire region of South-East Europe. Has got money. Gladly takes other internationals out to dinners whenever s/he can charge it to the budget of a project (See). S/he likes the locals and considers them to be her/his equal, to be de facto equalized to her/him. And the locals love her/him, too. S/he knows how to say GOOD DAY, THANK YOU and NO PROBLEM in local languages of which s/he is very proud.  A vegetarian, a feminist, a non-smoker and not a racist; s/he points that out very often and is not ashamed of it at all.  Additionally, s/he thinks that war criminals should be brought to justice in Den Haag. In general, a happy character. See: expert. Translator's note: BSC form of an English word „International“ when taken from English and adjusted gramatically to BSC language.

from Ubleha for Idiots – An Absolutely non useful Guide for Civil Society Building and Project management for Locals and Internationals in BiH and Beyond by Nebojša Šavija-Valha and Ranko Milanovic-Blank, ALBUM No. 20, 2004, Sarajevo, translated by Marina Vasilj.